It is exciting for playing sports after college, & it keeps you feeling young for a long. So we should play it as well as work out, it’s really beneficial…
Slow down, that is usually the mantra of the time of life. Come to the terrible half-century, the fifties were expected to require less challenging physical activities, if they were physical at all. A gentle stroll through the golf courses, perhaps rewarded with a gin and tonic on the 19th hole; or local bowling club membership, glowing crown green instead of 10 pins.
Physical decline as the body aged was inevitable, something to complain about, accept, and address. That organic law has not changed, but the way we manage aging has. Getting old doesn’t have to mean getting weaker, at least until the top is near.
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Get to know: Playing Sports After College:

Don’t say farewell in a pleasant way, “Thomas warns. “At the end of the day, old age must rage and burn; fury and indignation against the sun’s demise. The obsession during this scenario is high-intensity training, which consists of bursts of hard, yes. Painful exercise alternated with intervals of less effort and relaxation. Except for individuals whose health makes such an endeavor risky, we should always be doing this in our latter years.
It is not aging that causes a decline in fitness; rather, a decrease in physical fitness causes aging. This is often the straightforward thesis of Play On American journalist and fan Jeff Bercovici’s way to bounce back with Age.
Real-Life Examples
Bercovici, a sometimes amateur athlete, seeks to dispel the conventional wisdom about longevity – that life is a daunting linear process during which the human machine gradually shuts down. Clogging up here and rusting there before slipping into decrepitude.
Instead, he argues, we will not only prolong our lives by occasionally punishing our bodies. But we will prolong our “peak years” of physical fitness into the fall and winter of existence. Functionality, rather than long service life, is what matters.
To do this, he examines the lives of athletes whose exercise regimen has allowed them to continue working at the highest level until they are 30 years old.

Like Roger Federer, 36, a Swiss athlete who many would say is the greatest exponent of his sport in history, and Serena Williams, his female counterpart, also 36. Beneficiaries of the latest discoveries in sports science and medicine. These athletes lead the way on a journey that we will all follow, whatever the level of performance.
As writer Bill Gifford says: “Aging makes us fat, then our fat makes us grow old”
The buzzing technique that has gained popularity is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) during which bursts of vigorous activity, such as sprinting and cycling, are interspersed with periods of lower-intensity exercise. You recognize that you are in high intensity when the muscles burn and you are out of breath. In other words, it hurts.
According to Bercovici, the science of aging suggests that we should always undertake high-intensity hebdomadal exercise. With the pulse reaching a minimum of 80% of its maximum. Even ten or twenty minutes a week will provide consequences, i.e., getting to the point where it is uncomfortable. You should have the sensation that you won’t be able to continue in this manner for much longer.
High-intensity exercise activates many pathways in your body, resulting in cellular advantages. Overall fitness increases as a result of the softer activity. The challenge is to strike a balance, say, between 20% and 80% high and low.
Strength training is also important, as it builds muscle and helps stop subsequent injuries. There is also a neurological enjoyment of this type of exercise. Instinct tells us that playing bridge and doing the crossword are good for the brain. But the workouts also improve cognitive function, although the method is poorly understood.
Symptoms of Aging
If you want to avoid the inexorable aging process, sitting down with a cup of tea is not an option. Many aging symptoms, notably testosterone deficiency, are linked to diminishing hormone levels. The lower your testosterone level, the more difficult it is to maintain and grow skeletal muscle (all muscle that is not part of your cardiovascular system or digestive tract).
Striated muscle burns a significant amount of calories. Your metabolism slows when you lose striated muscle. This means the calories you consume are more likely to be stored as fat. Fat also produces estrogen and proteins that contribute to chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.
Aging makes us fat, then our fat makes us grow old, as writer Bill Gifford puts it in Spring Chicken, a 2015 anti-aging scientific tour. Things are just going to get worse. Osteoarthritis, a painful inflammation of the bones in the joints, becomes significantly more frequent after the age of 45. This occurs because of the cartilage that functions as a shock absorber in certain joints. Notably in the knees, wears down, and the cells that help it renew become less effective, for reasons that are not fully understood.
Bumps that cushion the vertebrae in your spine also take a beating. By the age of fifty, more people have at least one bulging intervertebral disc, although they do not experience any symptoms. As you reach your 40s, your risk of a herniated disc is reduced. Great, except it’s because the discs shrink, which not only predisposes you to new types of pain but explains why you’ll get a little shorter with each passing decade.

Your nervous system is also changing. Reaction times are best around age 24.
Your nervous system is evolving as well. Around the age of 24, reaction times are at their peak, and thereafter they slow down. This is due to the fact that nerve signals move at a slower rate. Peripheral nerves can’t conduct impulses as well as they used to because their protective protein coats break down. This is one of the reasons why even the most basic act of balance necessitates a more deliberate effort on the side of the old.
The good news is that most of those major changes may be slowed, postponed, or reversed by engaging in regular, intense exercise. It won’t keep your hair black or protect you from requiring glasses. But the most destructive signs of aging – are cognitive loss, muscle withering, and bone thinning. And cardiovascular disease – doesn’t develop the same way in individuals who compute frequently, according to Bercovici.
Consider Tour de France riders, who have an eight-year advantage over TV junkies in terms of life expectancy. Competitors that participate in endurance sports or sports that need a combination of endurance and power. Such as soccer or basketball, outperform pure-power athletes like weightlifters.
Elite athletes continue to be successful well beyond the maximum age for their sport. Not because they train more, but because they train more efficiently. They use periodization, intertwining intense training with rest, to avoid fatigue and injury. this is often something laymen can learn from.
The 30s Exercises to Follow
Top-level tennis is currently dominated by 30-year-olds, particularly Federer. He is the most fluid and elegant player, with feet as light as a dancer’s, having won 20 slam titles. However, it is not excessive today. Federer, according to Bercovici, does not hit the wall.
Older athletes, like him, aren’t as concerned with being the most important. Strongest, or quickest as they are with being the most efficient in their training. Many modern athletes’ greatest distinguishing feature is the amount of sleep they get. Resting in the middle of a sports season was unusual in America 20 years ago, but it is now commonplace.

So beating yourself to death for hours on end in the gym doesn’t have to be the solution. Relatively short bouts of high-intensity interval training, which take into account busy work and family lives, can help us stay young or, at the very least, older people perform better.
Even Federer can be a spring chicken compared to athletes who perform well into their forties. British runner Jo Pavey may be a local example of accelerating longevity in the sport. The Devon athlete will be about to turn 45 in August, but age has not weakened her love of competition.
A veteran of 5 Olympics, with two children to worry about, she is nevertheless preparing for the ten billion European Athletics Championships in Berlin. In 2014, she won gold at the same event, when she was close to her 41st birthday, becoming the oldest European champion in history. Pavey knows how to keep up on and off the track, and she missed this year’s Commonwealth Games in Australia to ensure coolness during the summer. If anyone surpasses the linear model of aging, it is her.
She claims that there’s always something to strive for and something to be concerned about. What occurs is that while you feel older, you are just a few years old, but when things go wrong, you will be 26 years old and feel ancient! When you feel old, you gain years, and when you feel youthful again, you gain years.
Research suggests that 120 is the absolute upper limit for the robustness of the human body
Female Perspectives
Other female athletes have maintained elite performance into their 40s, such as Uzbek gymnast Oksana Chusovitina, 42, who hopes to compete in her eighth Olympics in 2020. And American road cyclist Kristin Armstrong, 44, came home with a time trial gold within the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, his third event at the same time.
And when age takes its toll, there is always the life sciences option. for example, we are only a decade away from having the ability to 3D print replacement cartilage, something that Andy Murray could do with. Cartilage suffers especially with age: A quarter of all adults over the age of 55 show signs of knee osteoarthritis, the inflammation that occurs when cartilage breaks down.
Nirav Pandya, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, says: “You have such good healing potential in the child. But take that one that he may have had some knee injuries once he played college sports, and now he’s 35 or 40, and he’s just bugging them.
The solution before was, “Just stop.” Now, it may be, “Let’s grow some cartilage in this area. Let’s see if we get the body back from him when he was 20 through some of the cellular and molecular things that we do.”

In Silicon Valley, where longevity is an obsession, the technology solution is attractive. Tech billionaires are using their wealth to lay a long way between themselves and thus the Grim Reaper. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, co-founders of Google, have launched a corporation called Calico (California Life Company) with a mission to “harness advanced technologies to broaden our understanding of the biology that controls lifespan.”
But death always enjoys the whip. Research suggests that 120 is the absolute upper limit for the robustness of the human body, regardless of what we neutralize in the gym. Cellular mutation over time is what affects us. Judith Campisi, a professor of biogerontology at the Buck Institute in the United States, explains that the more biologically complex an organism is, the more difficult it is to increase its life. We will keep roundworms alive for 10 times their normal lifespan. But humans? No.
Maybe evolution is trying to inform us of something, he says. Most people don’t need to worry about life at 120, or maybe 90. Our sedentary lifestyle helps ensure that many people leave this earth much earlier. Public Health England (PHE) says that some six million people in their 40s and 60s in England are putting their health at risk by not taking a 10-minute walk as fast as once a month.
However, there is always the chance of change. One of the advantages of being lazy in youth and middle age is that the lack of stress damage accumulated by serious athletes will leave some of them old before their time.

According to Professor Muir Gray, a PHE expert, a person can lower their chance of early mortality by 15% by walking for 10 minutes at a brisk pace every day. They can also prevent or delay the onset of the disability and further reduce the risk of major health problems, such as diabetes, heart problems, dementia, and some cancers.
It’s all about functioning, not simply living longer, according to Emma Stevenson, a sports and exercise professor at Newcastle University’s Institute on Aging. Age is not a reason not to do things, she says. That way, we age faster. We could also be living longer, but without good nutrition and exercise, we lose functionality, such as simply having the ability to get up from a chair, which is not a good quality of life.
How to Get Fit for Life

- Exercise gradually, preparing your body for the stress you would like to put on it. Walking can be a good way to start. Just 10 continuous minutes at a rapid pace a day can reduce the danger of premature death by 15%.
- Aim for 10-20 minutes a week of high-intensity exercise, increasing your pulse to a minimum of 80% of your maximum. This suggests going to the purpose where you feel unpleasant (sweating, elevated pulse, shortness of breath) that you cannot hold for long.
- Unloading exercises such as stretching and massage should be performed after high-intensity interval training. People who are stressed for time may be tempted to increase their workout during a gym session while skipping stretching. This is a bad concept.
- Maintain a 20:80 ratio for high: low-intensity exercise. Also try doing some strength training (push-ups, squats, resistance bands) to build muscle and help stop later injuries, like those to the hip.
- Avoid fad diets and stick to a balanced diet rich in veggies and whole grains. Muscle is built with protein, and a glass of milk with creatine powder helps to develop and retain muscle. The bone broth has a pleasant sweetness to it.
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