Do you have doubts about, How to start a blog and Earn money?
First of all…
With that many people online, the reach of e-commerce, online education, and people who need the help of the internet to solve their mundane queries is skyrocketing.
And the current unfortunate pandemic situation has fueled people’s desire to work from home and make money online.
As someone who has been in this field for so long, I can only guarantee that this trend will not slow down anytime soon. People now recognize that having alternative financial earnings streams (no matter how secure your job is) is crucial to surviving things like this pandemic.
Please Note: Please confirm to scan the Frequently Asked Questions section for lots of details on the blogging situation and many alternative answers to our readers’ queries to understand if blogging can be a good career prospect.
Without wasting any more time, let’s start with our tutorial to launch your diary these days.
But, before we tend to continue…
…here is the quick table of contents or steps needed to induce started blogging!
Ready to start your journal and create cash from it?
Let us begin!
Table of Contents
Step 1: Choose a Different Niche for Your Blog (a Topic You’ll Blog About)
What is a blog niche?
A Blog niche could be a class, topic, or subject that you can write in your Blog.
Choosing a specific segment is vital because your entire content strategy can revolve around your chosen niche (topic) and can attract the right audience to your Blog.

Choosing a blog niche depends on what your end goal is.
If you’re a marriage creative person, you want to write down topics that potential couples often Google (like best wedding tips, bridal/groom makeup, etc.).
This will give you visibility ahead of your potential buyers and therefore you will be able to land a job.
Here are some tips to help you choose what to Blog about:
- Pick a Blog niche you’re passionate about: Blogging is all about passion. If writing about something will keep you awake even at four in the morning, I think it’s a good topic to start with. On the contrary, if you are writing a couple of topics that do not interest you, you will not be able to carry it out for a long time.
- Pick a Blog topic you’re familiar with: You don’t need to be an associate nursing “expert” to start blogging, starting a blog on something you’re well-versed in will give you instant recognition. For example, are you known in your family for creating delicious meals? Would your friends once they have social media doubts (like how to block my ex on Facebook?) or hungry factors (like how to create ringtones on iPhone?) gossip? All of these can be useful topics to start your Blog and make money from it.
- What kind of audience does one want? If you want to create effective blogs, you need to attract the right audience/customers to your Blog. Not everyone is going to be curious about what you say or sell. To entice the right people to scan your Blog, you need to write down the posts they’re looking for. Accept the things they want, the language they use when they speak or the water sports online and embrace them in your blogging strategy. For example, Pinch of Yum, a brilliant and thriving food Blog, writes about parlour power, recipes, and things their audience (foodies, housewives) is interested in.
These are basic elements that you must accept before starting a Blog.
If you don’t find anything, create a blog and start writing whatever you like. One or 2 months down the road, you will find your flow and start getting an audience/readers that connect with what you share.
That is what I did when I started. I wrote about random things like tech, news, tips about food and everything in between.
After some time, I found my audience responds when I share blogging tips and that’s how it all began.
There are a lot of subjects when you are blogging like spirituality, the culture around your location, education tips and jobs tips for students, make money online and to name a few.
Step 2: Choose the Right Name for Your Blog
A domain or Blog name refers to a website’s location on the web. it sits inside the address bar of the browser and helps you to access the required website/Blog on the web.
In easy language, the name of a website will be explained as the address of a house you want to go to.

If I tell you to look for my house, how can you react? Pretty sure Pine Tree State request me my address and that’s how you’ll contact me, right?
Similarly, each website or Blog has its distinctive address on the Internet. The Blog address is in a format well known as a computer address (Uniform Resource Locator).
Let’s verify this with my domain computer address ( as an example of an Associate in Nursing:
- HTTPS:// (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
- www (the subdomain)
- DigitalGYD (The domain or name of the Blog)
- .com (top-level domain).
Generally, it’s like that within which example is your name, which is subject to convenience, meaning you’ll be able to register only for those domain names that are offered and not recorded by anyone before.
Looking for best practices for choosing a Blog name?
Here are some tips for choosing the right name before you start blogging:
- Make sure your name is short and unforgettable.
- Choose a website name that reflects your entire business.
- Choose a website name that gives you full reach to expand your content reach. For example, if you choose a website name like, you may be restricted to content that revolves around abs fitness.
- After a jiffy, you’ll run out of magazine concepts and justification opportunities. even if you are trying to compose toned thighs on a daily, it will be a pair.
- Always opt for a “.com” version unless previously taken.
- Avoid selecting fancy domain names as they are difficult to remember.
- Avoid numbers, hyphens, and symbols in your name. They cause a lot of confusion and make it impossible for your readers to discuss your address with others (such as on the phone).
- Check here lots of concepts of names of fashion and beauty Blogs.
Where to start a diary? Select a blogging platform
I wonder if I have bought a website name… currently what?
Well, now, let’s examine the simplest blogging sites today.
What is a blogging platform?
A blogging platform (often called a content management system) is a platform that sends your data into a decipherable form of a person (blog) where users will scan your posts, search for products, and take action with you.
Don’t be fooled by paid tutorials that explore how to produce a Blog for free. Most of them have Brobdingnagian limitations like you can’t legitimate them.
These Blog platforms are a mere variety of text (like a diary) that is not a complete website.
Free blogs have no SEO cost, which means you cannot rank a website in Google or attract guests despite the on-page SEO techniques you follow.
The main drawback of building a free Blog that exploits free blogging platforms is that you don’t own your content. they will remove your website forever without you having to tell them.
There are several blogging platforms, but the most used is WordPress.
WordPress is the most widely used CMS in the world due to its powerful yet easy to use website builder (no commitment to writing skills required) and rich in features (you can create a website on virtually any theme with WordPress). That’s where your diary should start.
This diagram shows why WordPress is one of the easiest Blog sites to use.

When we analysed the top 1 million blog sites or blogging platforms, had the highest market share.
WordPress is also divided into two versions, free and self-hosted
To keep it simple, could be a free, restricted version of WordPress. you can’t add themes/have the opposing WordPress futures and you can’t legitimize it either. allows you to create a free Blog, but it is just for personal use and cannot be commercialized or used for business purposes.
This tutorial is aimed at making a self-hosted WordPress Blog. this is often what I exploit and use the other blogs you recognize.
Let’s move on to choosing online hosting for your Blog today.
Step 3: Select the Right Web Host for Your Blog
Now that you have chosen a website name for your blog…
…you would like an online hosting account to host your website.
What is web hosting and why would one like it?
A web host is the closet space where you will host (or store) your website information (such as text articles, images, and alternate media files) for others to access.
Think of internet hosting as a brick and mortar house where you will store/display your merchandise for others to see and obtain.
You need online hosting for your domain because something you want to do with it, like create a portfolio website or start a beauty blog, you’re thinking of storing that information somewhere, right?
For example, this terrible article you are reading has all of its images and text saved on Bluehost’s servers (my hosting provider) from wherever it is sent to your laptop.

I understand?
There are a dozen hosting companies out there, but you have to decide on the one that is:
- affordable,
- reliable, and
- has no-nonsense customer service.
Bluehost stands firm on all of these parameters and I have been happily exploiting them for quite some time now. It started in 1996 (that’s before Google!)
Did you know? Bluehost is formally advised by as the most popular web host for website owners to use?
Another factor that you need to understand is that Bluehost provides FREE SSL for your Blog.
SSL certificates are a Google ranking issue and build a lot of trust among your guests for your diary.
See the “secure” image before my computer’s address in your address bar. This sign of credibility is most useful when you want to start a blog and make money from it, in a very clever way.
FREE OFFER: If you haven’t purchased a website for your blog yet, don’t buy. You’ll get a FREE domain for life with Bluehost!
To get started, click here to open Bluehost as a replacement window tab. Don’t worry, the current tab can remain open for you to refer to the steps.
Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Blog on Bluehost Hosting
- 1. Once the page fills up, click the massive green “start now” button to start hosting your Blog.

- 2. Choose your valuation package. Be sure to choose the essential arrangement (first column) in the image below to take advantage of the most affordable hosting offer. This fix is enough to get you started without a hitch.
Bluehost allows you to lock your hosting for three years at a really low price ($3.95).
P.S. Also, you can select the hosting for one year and then again you have to pay $7.99/mo. So it’s an improvement option to get hosting for three years instead of paying a little more.
Remember, Bluehost is the most affordable hosting you’ll ever get (meets customer satisfaction).
And, you will be able to recover your investment because your diary will be generating cash at the end of the first | the first year itself (I was making $350 a month by the end of my first blogiversary!).
Then act and select the primary basic possibility.

- 3. Choose your name (or enter the one you finished in step two above)

- 4. After that, you will be asked to fill in your account details. Don’t panic, this is usually only for the payment method and implies full privacy protection. On a similar screen, double-check your package information. confirm to uncheck the items that I have actually marked as not needed and easily increase their value.
Further down on an equivalent page, enter your bank details and press the green “Submit” button to complete the process.

This tutorial to start a daily operation of Bluehost Hosting is the updated and latest version.
Unlike older and outdated tutorials online, you don’t have to be required to attend cPanel to perform your WordPress installation.
Now, you just have to be forced to select your most popular secret and then you will need to select a topic. the website is mechanically more.
Don’t worry, you can further modify the theme later. It is advised because free themes often lack functionality.
Congratulations! Your WordPress Blog is up and running.
Once you have WordPress installed on your Bluehost hosting, we are pretty much done creating a Blog for you.
Step 4: Configure WordPress to get your website logged in and running
Now that you’ve just started a weblog, measure the speculative square, how did I find my blog?

Bluehost‘s new interface guides you through your WordPress dashboard, as well as suggestions for writing posts, publishing a related page, etc.

Still, if you want to try doing things manually, that’s what I like too, don’t worry!
In this section, I’ll walk you through the initial setup of your web registry, as well as the necessary configuration settings, theme changes, and how to get it up and running for the general public launch of your dream web registry website.
You can continue reading this or visit my article on things to try after WordPress installation for a much more elaborate and step-by-step method.
Let us begin!
To be ready to modify or edit something on your weblog, you need to access your dashboard.
Step 4.1. Install a theme for your weblog
A WordPress theme is what decides, however, the look and feel of your web registration on the surface. Themes measure squared which makes each website you visit look completely different from one another.
The default WordPress theme is pretty basic and useless once it involves putting up a weblog to earn money. is restricted or there are no options that themes should have.
You can feel it after looking at your newly configured weblog and comparing it to mine (the page you are reading now).
To change the theme of your WordPress blog, go to the control panel >> find (in the options panel on the left) >> themes. Click the Add Theme button in the top left corner of the new screen (screenshot below).
Now you need to transfer a theme (zip file) that you have previously purchased.
Never opt for a free WordPress theme or a premium one that is available in the market for free or has been shared with you through a disciple.
Free themes are the #1 cause of site hacks and you don’t want your site to be hacked.
I was there, even did it and I trust Pine Tree State makes you feel broke because it was your call that ultimately got your website hacked.
It is always suggested that you invest some money and purchase a premium theme. The benefits of getting premium themes are:
- Total security against hacks
- Clean typing engagement so your website loads fast
- SEO optimized to help rank your website on Google
- You get premium support from theme developers after you are affected by one thing.
- Premium themes brand your website and signal to your readers that you are simply serious and here to be in business.
Here can be a list of 51+ blogger themes for your new blog!
Step 4.2. Set up your blog’s permalink structure
Setting up the permalink structure for your new weblog is very important because it defines the Universal Resource Locator structure once “/” of your weblog address and is very helpful in SEO (as well as user experience) it is optimized. good.
Here are a couple of examples of WordPress permalink structures:
To change your blog’s permalink structure, visit your Blog dashboard >> Settings >> permalink settings.
I recommend setting your blog’s permalink structure. This is the simple, clean and most SEO-friendly Universal Resource Locator structure.
Also, having a neat Universal Resource Locator format will make the user experience easier and stay top of mind with your readers.
Step 4.3. Install Essential WordPress Plugins
WordPress has thousands of plugins that help you with numerous purposes. you will install any plugin but you shouldn’t. victimization of many plugins can consume your server resources resulting in a slow website and time period.
Here is a list of the best WordPress SEO plugins that you will refer to and use.
Using Yoast SEO (free), the main list of plugins is crucial.
Step 4.4. Configure spam protection
Akismet can be a free WordPress security plugin that keeps your web registry safe from spammers and fictitious commenters. Akismet comes overlaid on WordPress by default.
In case it is not inside the plugins section (control panel>>plugins>>installed plugins), you will add it by clicking on the Add New option inside the same section.
Then find Akismet >> Click Install >> Activate.
To get your Akismet API key, click the Get API Key button on the next window.

This takes you to the Akismet for WordPress page where you once again need to click the big Get an Akismet API Key button.
On the resulting page, you would like to sign up for a free WordPress account.

After clicking register, you will be taken to the evaluation page. make sure to sign up or opt for the primary (free basic) option.
Now get the API key and insert it into the Akismet plugin page on your dashboard.
Step 4.5. Install a backup plugin
You should always make sure to install a backup plugin for your WordPress weblog. This protects your information and stores the entire website as a backup.
In case your website gets hacked or taken down by you by mistake or attacked by spammers, you’ll use this handy backup to urge you to start blogging once again for free.
I use the BackWPUp plugin which is free and has options to transfer automatic backup programs to your Dropbox or desktop Winchester drive.
Step 4.6. Install social sharing plugins
The purpose of blogging is to encourage many people to browse it, so you will make it easy for them and earn income. The higher the traffic to your website, the higher the money flow.
Installing social sharing plugins helps people share your weblog posts to their social profiles and email or bookmark them for future use.
The benefits of adding social sharing plugins are:
- They bring safe social media traffic for free
- They help make your web registration popular
- A good variety of social shares will increase the quality of your posts and thus increase authority and trust.
Check the left side of this text, almost 4200 people have shared it through social channels, therefore more people have reached the article.
They also show that more than 4000 readers have liked this step by step tutorial on how to start a web registry and make money with it and they thought that their friends and followers would love it too.
Social Warfare is lightweight, cleanly coded, and has plenty of options that make it easy to get a lot of action (like a mobile-optimized preset tweet that can be tweeted with 1 click, a completely different Pinterest high image, etc.).
If you’re not in a great state to take a stand on an extremely feature-rich premium plugin, you’ll use the free base plugin to share some.
Step 4.7. Write your contact page and contact page for the new web registration
A worrying page is the most visited page of a weblog as every new visitor that comes to your weblog will be curious about you and your blogging journey (views) etc.
To write your corresponding page, go to the control panel>>pages>>add new.
Give your title on the next screen. this can be the header of the page. Here are some tips for writing a killer page:
- Do it concerning your guests instead of you.
- Write down what they will expect from your weBlog (type of articles you publish, tone of your weblog, etc.)
- Show them how they will benefit from your web registration
- Add some social proof, a sort of testimonial from a UN agency reader included in your weBlog (optional but necessary to spice up your authority)
- Write in a very personal but clear tone. Don’t use the person.
After that, post your terrible home page to the weblog.
How to add a contact page?
- Install the free plugin named WPForms
- Follow the guide above to create a replacement page in WordPress.
- Add the WPForms contact type shortcode you get on the new page and hit publish.
Step 4.8. Produce a privacy policy page and a disclaimer page for the new web registration
To create a privacy policy for your blogs, head over to the free online privacy generator tool.
You’ll need to store a couple of simple queries like your name, whether you use cookies for your we Blog (if you’re progressing to using ads for weBlogvalidation, it’s possible to use cookies), etc.
After the initial setup, it will export the generated privacy policy for free as part of the text.
Now, produce a blank page in your weblog and name it “Privacy Policy”. In the page editor, paste the text you generated with the top tool and hit publish.
That’s it.
You have created an operational privacy policy page for your weblog.
Likewise, to create a disclaimer page for your web registration, head over to the free online disclaimer generator tool and store the information and follow the above method.
Why would one want to have a privacy policy and disclaimer page for their blog?
The privacy policy page and disclaimer page are of no importance to SEO and do not need any advantage for the readers.
They are the most viewed pages in your weblog, however, you must own them to avoid legal proceedings and stay safe from potential infringements.
Similarly, other overlapping benefits of having a privacy page and a disclaimer page on your website show that you are a major company and help you easily approve ad networks like AdSense.
That’s it! You have successfully created a web registry to make money for yourself.
Step 5: Write your initial weblog and publish an article on your weblog
Wondering how to start a weblog post?

To write your initial weblog post in WordPress, visit WordPress Web Log Dashboard >> Posts >> Add New. Writing a post is as simple as writing a page in WordPress.
- Choose a topic and analyze it (using Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and alternative blogs that rank for the question). See what they’re writing, how they represent, and what they’re missing. Check out the comments section to browse reader reactions. and queries on the subject).
- Fill in the title.
- Customize Universal Resource Locator (auto-generated even if customizable)
- Add content (paragraphs, subheadings), images, and videos (essential for generating lots of SEO backlinks).
- Make sure you follow all on-page SEO techniques.
- Check everything inside the preview mode.
- Press post.
Step 6: Drive initial traffic to your weblog

Now that you’ve just finished installing your new web registry, and printed out the front pages and some of the posts, your new goal should be to drive traffic to your web registry.
Everyone likes to start a web registry and create it in common, but a web registry is not itself common from scratch.
That’s why you’d like people, readers, or traffic to start making money on your web signup.
Here, however, you will be able to generate traffic and create your own web registry in no time.
Getting traffic from search engines can take a few days, but before that, you can go crazy about traffic in a few different ways.
This referral traffic can help you get a boost, some user interactions, and help you get your new web record indexed in Google (or other search engines like Bing) faster.
Make sure you have a minimum of five articles before you publicly launch your weblog. This can provide your readers with enough knowledge to examine and evaluate your weblog and make them search for more.
To get your first thousand readers, follow these steps:
- Send an email to your family and friends regarding your new web registration. Provide them with the homepage link and ask them to leave feedback as comments on weblog posts.
- Tweet your posts with relevant hashtags.
- Please go and leave comments on different relevant weblogs (Feel free to comment here during this article and I can tweet and share your Blog with my over thirty thousand followers!).
- Check out weblog communities and forums (like HellBoundBloggers Forum where you can answer queries in your niche and embed a link to your weblog in your signature).
- Join communities like wherever you earn points by sharing others’ posts and spend those points to induce shares of your posts. Real individuals Real quota.
- Join Facebook teams that enable self-promotion and discuss weekly threads about your latest weblog posts. try to move and write a friendly relationship so that you can reciprocally promote your blogs and make a profit.
- Make your first posts represent you. Write quality articles about everything you know about the topic you are writing about. Link to authority bloggers in your articles and tweet them so they know you mentioned them in your article. breed them (politely) to share your article and most can have sex. Mentioning the actions of influencers unnecessarily will bring you a ton of traffic.

Step 7: Create cash from your web login

This article on how to start a web registry and generate cash in (2025) will be incomplete unless we have a tendency not to mention how to make it profitable.
Nobody needs to create a web registry for free unless they are an associate degree organization or want to run a hobby web registry.
Even if making a web registry to earn money may not be your motivation, you cannot produce a web registry for free.
The reason is that a web registry runs on resources like hosting, themes, and other expenses.
So for your web registration to be profitable, you would like to decriminalize it or you have to be forced to pay cash out of pocket, that is not our goal here.
In this section, I will explain how to create cash with a web registry for beginners.
Start, okay?
There are many ways to create cash from your new web registration. In fact, I have listed some of the most potential and profitable ways to decriminalize web registration as soon as you start it.
The second possibility in the list below is what you can use to create cash as soon as you start a web registration and earn money without having a lot of traffic.
Some of the most common forms of weBlogvalidation are:
- Ad sales: You will be able to generate money by inserting ads like AdSense or (if you log in through that link, you will get 100% more than your traditional financial gain for the first time). three months!) in your web registration. Make sure your weblog has some growth before you apply.
- Offering Services – This is often the quickest and most convenient method of monetizing a replacement web registration. You can provide services in something you’re doing well, such as managing buyers’ social media accounts, clerk, becoming a virtual assistant (VA), or providing a contract writing service. I made my initial financial gain by providing freelance writing services. Additionally, you can introduce potential buyers and show them your website as your portfolio for writing samples.
- Creating a product or course – I’m not sure if this applies to you, however, if you already have a soft style of a product or a course on a subject you’re a pro at, you’ll be able to create a blog; Write a community of potential sponsors around you and then sell them to them.
- Infolinks: Infolinks is an associate degree in-text ad program that can make money from your blog’s in-text ads. Read my Infolinks review and learn how you can make money as soon as you start blogging online Don’t ignore because it works like a charm.
- Affiliate Marketing – This is usually a good way to make a lot of money blogging, but you would like to be patient and engage your audience. After that, you will be able to present or show them ads based on the things they are interested in. . Shareasale can be a sensible place to look for the best high paying affiliate programs for bloggers and sign up for them. Once again, make sure your weblog has some traction to avoid app cancellation.
Conclusion Our way to start a web registry and create a cash guide!
Congratulations! has successfully created a weblog for you.
What’s Next? What to try and do when starting Your Blog?
➜ Sign up for my story here to stay up to date with the latest web sign up tips and resources to successfully turn your new blog into a moneymaker.
Any questions?
Anything you want to make easy to get started with your blog?
Since this text is a free step by step guide on how to start a web registry and make money from it, I have covered all the necessary things that you need to understand once you create your own new web registry.
➜ in case you have any doubts or want to make creating a web registry easy or something you want to discuss the best ways to create a web registry and make money from it, feel free to achieve a dubbed our state through the comments section.
➜ If you liked this post on how to start a web login, feel free to share it (using the social share buttons on the left side) with those you think might enjoy it.
Every action counts! I appreciate your effort.
I want you to realize that like any other business in the world, blogging is not free of obstacles.
But I know you’ll be able to do it.
Regular and constant posts, some social media and patience area unit – everything you would like to start earning from your web registration.
The journey between starting a web registry and making money from it is always a terrifyingly pleasant one. Starts now!
Do an effort. Start your own web registry and create money from it today.
It’s priced!
What is a blog?
A weblog or weblog is a web diary or website where you post weblog posts together with your audience to share information, pinpoint a problem, or interact with them through comments/shares and views on your posts.
Why start a web session in (2025)?
You can do a lot of things with web registration except start a Blog and make money from it. There are several ways to get your own web registration. Here are some of the benefits of starting your own blog:
Express yourself; Show your talent: through blogs, you will be able to learn how to pinpoint yourself and share the talent that you have in you. This can be something like health tips, productivity lessons, habitation or farming, business methods, and everything in between.
You can make it easier for others: With your talent, you can help others achieve their business, get additional sales and even lead a more solid life. This is usually amazing because you reach the associate degree audience all over the world and you make it easy for them.
Earn money from home (or on the go): The best thing about starting your own web registry is making money from it. Blogging offers you financial freedom. You don’t have to be forced to have a brick-and-mortar look nor would you like a 9 to 5 job, with blogs you will be able to generate money directly from your bedroom/basement. I recently gave my father a million from the Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation ($15,000 approx.) to revamp his (offline) supermarket look. And let the American state tell you, the smile and pride in his eyes was something I could rejoice in all my life.
Get fans and followers – Blogging, if done right, will earn you a name, fame, and cash. You will be able to create a private whole and grow your number of followers.
Is blogging still profitable in (2025)?
Starting a web registry is perhaps the most profitable business you can consider. Blogging is practically a zero-investment business concept that helps you make money by adding value to the internet all over the world through your expertise. However, you will need consistency, passion, effort, and temperament to speculate on your blogging business to turn it into a profitable cash-making machine.
How long will it take to create cash blogs?
The simple answer is, that it depends. I created my first financial profit from blogging when I had eight months of blogging (and it was absolutely $0.84). However, once I knew this was doable, I tried harder and with my work (and clearly God’s blessing) I now create a living blog. The time it takes to create effective blogs just depends on your niche, the work you do, and, therefore the weBlogvalidation system you have in place.
What proportion of money are you able to generate from a blog?
It depends. Your blog’s financial return can vary depending on how long you’ve been blogging, the niche you’re blogging in, and, therefore the effort you’re setting up. In my experience, if you follow the right path and push, creating a minimum of $2000-$3000 per month should be easy.
While bloggers like Pat Flynn generate more than seven figures, many fail to make their first financial profit from blogging. It’s been more than five years and yet I am to create the maximum amount seven-figure bloggers earn. However, that is not the purpose. It is not a race. Like every business, blogging also varies from person to person and thing to thing.
What area unit is the most profitable web registration topic?
As a general rule, the most profitable Blog themes include those that focus on and solve the problem of your audience’s pain. The greater the pain, the more they pay.
Here are some of the most profitable blogging themes:
Love, romance, and sex
create cash online, etc.
How can you generate money in 48 hours using WordPress?
Don’t believe anyone who tells you that you can make money with WordPress. Most likely they are scamming you. Making money with WordPress takes time and unless you are running some paid campaign causality traffic to your WordPress website, this is not going to be possible.
Is it suggested to leave work or studies to write in a blog?
Contrary to what many bloggers preach, I recommend that since blogging takes time, you don’t give up everything for it. If you are considering writing a blog, my suggestion would be that you don’t skip your current job/profession or maybe your studies to write a blog. Blogging has a lot of potentials and it works (I’m sure), but having said that, you should always try blogging as a starting activity (and this is possible because blogs are extremely flexible).
Setting aside an associated hour or two for blogging would not hurt your current scenario and once you start seeing results and are confident enough then you will decide. I know a lot of my friends at the World Health Organization run studios (and some even jobs) in addition to blogging, so you might as well have this role.
How to start free Blogging?
To start a free diary you will use platforms like blogger or Even Instagram has an associated option to help you start a Blog for free. But, we tend not to suggest that. You must understand that nothing comes without cost. With free blogs made from blogging sites mentioned above, you may not have the freedom to grow your Blog, own your own content, and not be able to make money from it as you would once you have your own Blog.
Are blogs still relevant in (2025)?
Yes, with 5.6 billion Google searches per day and the ability to search online for specific solutions to specific queries, the potential of blogging is more relevant than ever.
You might want to scan this blogging fringe post to explore a variety of remunerative blessings of blogging that non-bloggers are missing out on in life.
I hope you like our way to start a Blog and accumulate cash in (2025). If so, some kind of social sharing on your favorite social media platform would mean a lot.
Thanks for visiting our Website. If you appreciate our work, kindly show us some support in our comments section 🙂
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